When I Look at You

Title: When I Look At You

Type of film: Experimental Documentary

Name: Zhaomei Xiong (Mila)

In my experimental documentary When I Look At You, I aim to offer the audience a deeply personal and introspective exploration of the intimacy within my friendship with Qiao Gui. She is currently studying in Sarah Lawrence College as a Dance and Visual Art Major. Through a series of reflective views, I intend to provide viewers with a unique perspective, allowing them to see my friend through my eyes. I filmed all the footages over the summer in China, fall in 2022 and the beginning of 2023 in New York. Each scene is carefully crafted to convey the nuances of our relationship, highlighting the moments of connection, understanding, and shared experiences that define our bond.

Initially envisioned as a documentary on nightlife in China featuring Qiao, the project evolved as I delved deeper into our friendship. The more I filmed, the more I reflected on our connection—how I came to be so close to her, and how I earned a VIP seat in her life, witnessing her journey. This film deconstructs and reimagines the concept of intimacy, presenting my evolving perception of Qiao and inviting the audience to share in the profound closeness we experience.

Runtime: 15 minutes 


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