Alice in Burping Land II

Inspired by David Lynch's works, I would further explore the theme of my film about burps. Alice in Burping Land Script writing: Mila Director: Mila Locations: Burping Land Characters: Princess Burps Alice (Caleb) Burping Angel Audrey (Josue) Burping guards Shot 1: Burping Princess Alice: I’m Alice and I’m the Princess of this beautiful Burping Land. Welcome! 「Burps」Welcome! 「Burps」 I’m so pretty AHHHHHH! 「Burps, Burps, Burps」 As the Princess of the Burping Land, we worship burps, all burps are united. For my whole life, I’ve been searching for a perfect burp, and I will marry whoever make this perfect burp. Burping Guards: We’re the Burping Guards! AND WE GUARD BURPS. BUPRS are SUPREME, BURPS ARE INFALLIBLE, BURPS ARE SACRIED! PRINCESS: BURPS FOR ME GUARADS: 「Burps」 PRINCESS: AWWW YALL are so adorable. But I’ll rate them 3 outta 10, Sorry, but it is what it is. Burps are a study in themselves; they are an aesthetic. I ca...